Uganda Population

Population Distribution

As of 2023, the latest population of Uganda is 43,252,966, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations).

Total population 43,252,966
Population growth rate 3.34%
Birth rate 42.90 births per 1,000 people
Life expectancy
Overall life expectancy 53.98 years
Men life expectancy 52.65 years
Women life expectancy 55.35 years
Age structure
0-14 years 47.84%
15-64 years 50.20%
65 years and above 1.96%
Median age 15.60 years
Gender ratio (Male to Female) 0.99
Population density 179.44 residents per km²
Urbanization 12.20%
over 50 ethn. Groups: 50% Bantu groups (17% Baganda, 10% Banyankore, 9% Basoga, 7% Bakiga, 5% Bagisu etc.), 25% West and East Nilotic groups (7% Iteso, 6% Langi, 4% Acholi etc.)), 4% Sudanese groups (3% Lugbara and others); Indian, European and Arab minorities
Catholics (Roman Catholic) 33%, Protestants 33%, Muslims 16%, indigenous religions 18%
Human Development Index (HDI) 0.528
HDI ranking 159th out of 194

People in Uganda

More than 44 million people live in Uganda, divided into more than 60 ethnic groups. 60 percent of the population belong to a Bantu people. Bantu live mainly in the south of the country and in central Uganda. Of these, the Baganda people comprise the largest group. 16 out of 100 residents are Baganda. They also gave the country its name. Baganda live in Buganda, which is what Uganda became. This is followed by the Ankole with 9.4 and the Basoga with 8.7 percent. Bakiga and Bagisu are the next largest Bantu peoples.

The Nile ethnic group lives in the central north of the country. They make up a total of 15 percent of the population. The largest Nile tribes in Uganda are the Langi and the Acholi. 7 percent of the population belong to a Sudanese people like the Lugbara.

At the time of the ruler Idi Amin, many people from Asia were expelled from the country, only a few returned. Few Europeans and Arabs still live in Uganda. Only one in 100 is a non-African, so originally comes from Europe, Asia or the Arab region.

Most of the Ugandan population – 84 out of 100 people – live in the countryside. The city with the highest population is Kampala, 2.8 million people live here. The city is growing fast. The south-west of the country is much more densely populated than the north or north-east of Uganda. Life in the country and in the city is also very different.

High population growth in Uganda

The population growth in Uganda is very high. It is assumed that with current growth, the country’s population will have doubled by 2050. This is a problem for many African countries where women have many children. In Uganda, every woman has an average of 5.7 children.

Meanwhile, the flight from the country to the city is also increasing. More and more people are moving to the bigger cities and especially to the capital Kampala to find happiness there. This poses problems for the city again, because all the people want to be fed and are looking for work.

Languages in Uganda

English and Swahili are the official languages ​​in Uganda. Swahili is spoken in the north and east of the country and is an important lingua franca.

In the Kingdom of Buganda, the Baganda people speak their own language, the Luganda. Since the Baganda are the largest ethnic group, this language is heard quite often in the south of the country. The other Bantu peoples speak their own Bantu language. The Nilots in the north speak Nilotic languages, the Sudanese peoples speak Sudanese languages.

Religions in Uganda

85 out of 100 residents belong to the Christian faith. 45 percent are Protestants, with the largest group being Anglicans. 39 percent are Catholic.

13 out of 100 residents are Muslims. They live mainly in northern Uganda. In Kampala you can still find temples of the Sikhs or the Hindus, but not many people of these religions live in Uganda anymore because the dictator Idi Amin drove them out in the 1970s. Some people still live their old natural religions.

Uganda Overview

Uganda, located in East Africa, is famous for its stunning natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and warm hospitality. Home to the source of the Nile River and the majestic Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda offers visitors opportunities for safari adventures, gorilla trekking, and scenic hikes. The country’s rich cultural heritage, with over 50 indigenous tribes, is celebrated through traditional music, dance, and festivals like the colorful Buganda Kingdom ceremonies. Despite its tumultuous history, Uganda has emerged as a stable and vibrant nation, attracting travelers with its lush landscapes, vibrant markets, and thriving arts scene.

  • Capital City: Kampala
  • Population: Approximately 47 million
  • Area: 241,038 square kilometers
  • Full Country Name: Republic of Uganda
  • Currency: Ugandan shilling (UGX)
  • Language: English, Swahili
  • ISO Country Codes: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2: UG, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3: UGA

Bordering Countries of Uganda

Uganda is a landlocked country located in the East African region, bordered by four other countries. To the north lies South Sudan, while to the east lies Kenya. Further south is Tanzania, while to the west lies DR Congo.

Uganda has a long history of cultural exchanges with its neighbouring countries due to its strategic location in the East African region. This has led to strong cultural ties between Uganda and its neighbours as well as strong political cooperation in recent years. In addition, Uganda also has strong economic ties with its bordering countries due to its agricultural industry which have attracted foreign investment.

The relationship between Uganda and its neighbours is complex but largely peaceful despite occasional disputes over matters such as water resources or border issues. In recent years there have been efforts by both sides to improve relations as well as increased trade between them for mutual benefit. For example, Uganda has signed several free trade agreements with neighbouring countries that have helped boost economic growth in both nations. Furthermore, there have been efforts by all sides to promote regional stability through joint military exercises or peacekeeping operations in conflict zones such as Somalia or South Sudan.